Parent Forum Question & Answers
What measures are taken for increased safety in the school?
- What measures are taken for increased safety in the school?
- What is being done to improve the services provided to students in special education?
- If a library book is challenged, how are the reconsideration committee members selected?
- What is Pearland ISD doing to retain quality teachers?
- Are the teachers aware of students' scholastic needs and help as needed?
- What steps have you adopted to recognize students with mental health problems?
- What is the reason for the 2-mile minimum distance from campus to receive bus service?
- Why do schools have student restroom restrictions and what can a parent do to challenge the restrictions?
- What are the guidelines for transgender students and restroom usage?
- What research has been done regarding Black student access to advanced courses in Pearland ISD?
- How can the quality of the school cafeteria food be improved?
- What are the current rezoning plans for Pearland ISD?
- What is the district doing to prevent teachers to share their personal views in the classroom with the students?
- What is the expectation for how the funds are used from the school's activity fund?
- What are the guidelines for school fundraisers? Can the communication be more transparent on how funds are spent?
- Can teachers be required to use Canvas to communicate with parents on assignments and class announcements?
- Will dual credit courses ever be weighted the same as an AP course?
- How do we get improvements to the aquatic center used by Pearland ISD teams?
- Is it feasible to install time limited 3-way STOP sign over the intersection at Berry Miller?
- Why does the screen at Pearland stadium run all the time?
- Is there a reason we don't do block schedules for all the high schools?
- Why does the school allow parents to each lunch with their child?