Frequently Asked Questions / Preguntas Frecuentes
- 1. What is Dual Language in Pearland ISD?
- 2. What are the goals of the Dual Language Program?
- 3. What are the benefits of the Dual Language Program?
- 4. Which campuses offer the Dual Language Program in Pearland ISD?
- 5. How do I sign my child up for the Dual Language Program?
- 6. How many years does my child stay in the program?
- 7. Will my child learn the same material as students in regular classes?
- 8. My child attended a Dual Language Program in another district/out of state. Can they transfer into the Dual Language Program in Pearland ISD?
- 9. What does my child earn after completion of the Dual Language program in 6th Grade?
- 10. What is offered to students in JH and High School after having completed the Dual Language program in 6th grade?
- 11. How does my child earn a Texas Performance Acknowledgement, also known as Seal of Biliteracy, on their high school transcript?
- 12. Kindergarten – Grade 4
- 13. Grade 5-6
- 14. Grade 7 – High School
1. What is Dual Language in Pearland ISD?
2. What are the goals of the Dual Language Program?
3. What are the benefits of the Dual Language Program?
4. Which campuses offer the Dual Language Program in Pearland ISD?
5. How do I sign my child up for the Dual Language Program?
6. How many years does my child stay in the program?
7. Will my child learn the same material as students in regular classes?
8. My child attended a Dual Language Program in another district/out of state. Can they transfer into the Dual Language Program in Pearland ISD?
9. What does my child earn after completion of the Dual Language program in 6th Grade?
10. What is offered to students in JH and High School after having completed the Dual Language program in 6th grade?
11. How does my child earn a Texas Performance Acknowledgement, also known as Seal of Biliteracy, on their high school transcript?
12. Kindergarten – Grade 4
13. Grade 5-6
14. Grade 7 – High School
- 1. ¿Qué es el Programa de Dos Idiomas en el Distrito Escolar Independiente de Pearland?
- 2. ¿Cuáles son las metas del Programa de Dos Idiomas?
- 3. ¿Cuáles son los beneficios del Programa de Dos Idiomas?
- 4. ¿En qué escuelas del Distrito Escolar Independiente de Pearland se ofrece el Programa de Dos Idiomas?
- 5. ¿Cómo inscribo a mi hijo(a) para el Programa de Dos Idiomas?
- 6. ¿Cuántos años permanece mi hijo(a) en el programa?
- 7. ¿Mi hijo(a) aprenderá el mismo material que los estudiantes en las clases convencionales?
- 8. Mi hijo/a asistió a un Programa de Dos Idiomas en otro distrito escolar/estado. ¿Puedo transferirlo/a al Programa de Dos Idiomas del Distrito Escolar de Pearland?
- 9. ¿Qué es lo que mi hijo(a) obtendrá después de completar el sexto grado en el Programa de Dos Idiomas?
- 10. ¿Qué se ofrece a los estudiantes de educación media y secundaria después de haber completado el sexto grado del Programa de Dos Idiomas?
- 11. ¿Cómo obtiene mi hijo(a) el Reconocimiento de Desempeño de Texas, también conocido como Sello de Alfabetización Bilingüe, en su expediente académico de la preparatoria?
- 12. Kínder – 4to Grado
- 13. 5to – 6to Grado
- 14. 7mo Grado – Secundaria