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Submission Guidelines

Criteria for Distribution

The criteria for distribution of non-school literature as outlined below, in Pearland ISD Policy, GKDA (LOCAL) and GKB (LOCAL) must be met for a flyer to be considered for approval. Organizations requesting flyer distribution will receive automatic notification from Peachjar if your flyer does not comply with these criteria:

  • The group distributing the literature is identified by the Internal Revenue Service as a nonprofit [501 (c) (3), 501 (c) (4)] organization or the group distributing the literature is an accredited educational institution. Note: Association with a nonprofit organization is NOT sufficient to qualify groups/individuals as a nonprofit organization; therefore, flyers for these groups/individuals will not be approved.
  • A copy of the flyer and proof of [501 (c) (3), 501 (c) (4)] status must be uploaded to your account when you register at to be considered for approval.
  • The materials must involve age and/or developmentally appropriate activities for students and must clearly state that the activity is for students.
  • Flyers must support the educational mission of the district, directly benefit the students, or be of intrinsic value to the students or their parents/guardians.
  • The flyer must not cause disruption of the operation and discipline of the school.
  • Flyers may not contain information endorsing or promoting a specific religion, religious organization, political candidate, or position on a political issue.
  • The flyers should not contain advertising logos or promotions for any business/organization other than the approved nonprofit submitting the flyer.
  • Pearland ISD’s disclaimer, listed below, will automatically be added to your flyer through the Peachjar platform. You do not need to separately include this on your flyer.

“This activity is not related to or sponsored by Pearland Independent School District. Pearland ISD neither endorses nor sponsors the organization or activity represented in this material. The distribution or display of this material is provided as a community service.”

Distribution Deadlines

  • Pearland ISD approves and distributes flyers on the 1st and the 15th of the month. Therefore, your flyer must be uploaded to Peachjar by noon the day prior to the 1st or the 15th to be considered for distribution. In addition, all flyers must have a scheduled post date of the 1st and 15th to align with the distribution dates. 
  • If distribution dates fall on a weekend or district holiday, they will be approved and sent the following school day. Flyers will not be distributed during the first week of school, during Thanksgiving break, winter break, spring break, summer vacation, the week of STAAR tests or the last week of school.

Instructions for Submission

The Communications Department is responsible for reviewing and approving flyers for external, non-school groups or organizations that provide evidence of non-profit or tax-exempt status. Approval does not constitute an endorsement of any proposal or materials.