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Reading Language Arts


Reading is a complex process where meaning is gained from print through the reader's use of prior knowledge and learned strategies. Pearland ISD is committed to developing students' appreciation for reading and encouraging independent life-long learners who can apply critical reading skills to function successfully in their world.


RLA Vertical Alignment Components


Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for RLA 

K-2 Literacy Screener
Reading screeners are given in grades K – 2. The screener assesses literacy tasks necessary for describing a young child’s emerging reading and writing behaviors, such as: Letter Identification, Phonological Awareness, Word Test, Early Literacy Behaviors and Word Writing. 

Benchmark Assessment System

The BAS is an individual reading assessment that assesses students’ reading performance in grades K – 6. It provides data that enables teachers to determine the student’s reading level and group students effectively to provide appropriate instruction and opportunities to practice reading skills and strategies.

The Texas Middle School Fluency Assessment

TMSFA measures fluency in text reading and oral word reading as well as main idea comprehension.

State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness (STAAR)

Yearly Overviews


Middle / Junior High School

High School


5th Grade

English I & II


6th Grade

English III

1st Grade

7th Grade

English IV

2nd Grade

8th Grade


3rd Grade



4th Grade




ELAR Specialists

Kimberly Voelkel, PK-1 Specialist

Kimberly Voelkel has been an elementary educator for over 17 years with a passion for early childhood. Her leadership roles include grade-level team leader, curriculum team leader and mentoring new and pre-service teachers. She also contributed at the district level to the Curriculum and Instruction Department (C&I) as a curriculum writer and presenter to staff development. Kimberly was voted Teacher of the Year in 2015. Now, as a Reading Specialist in the C&I Department, she primarily provides support for teachers of our littlest learners in Pre-K to 1st grade through coaching, development and implementation of district literacy initiatives, curriculum development, planning support, and district wide staff training. Kimberly holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Communication Sciences and Disorders from the University of Houston, and a Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction from the University of St. Thomas.

Tiffany Cox, K-6 Specialist

Tiffany started her classroom teaching career by being voted by her peers as New Teacher of the Year and has been named Teacher of the Year twice in her 15 years. Scores of students have benefitted from her expertise in reading and writing, and she has helped many to have their work published in student anthologies. During this time, she also served her peers as Grade Level Team Leader and as Mentor and Coach to new teachers. She was also asked to contribute at the district level to the Curriculum and Instruction Department (C&I) as a Curriculum Writer and Presenter.  Now, as a Reading Specialist in the C&I Department, she provides support and curriculum for reading and ELA teachers through coaching and mentoring in their classrooms, district staff development, and development and implementation of district literacy initiatives. 

Toni Holloman, 2-5 Specialist

Pearland is home to Toni Holloman. She was raised here, educated here, and has devoted all eighteen of her teaching years as a top-notch instructor in several elementary grades. Her leadership qualities were recognized early, and she was called upon to serve in grade-level team and campus-wide leadership/mentor roles. At the district level, she has also shared her leadership and curriculum knowledge by training others and contributing to the types of Curriculum Development that set Pearland ISD apart. It was a natural and next step for Toni to join the Curriculum and Instruction Department in 2019, where teachers, administrators, and students will continue to benefit from her expertise and support. As a specialist, she primarily supports Reading/ELA teachers in grades 3-6 through coaching, curriculum development, planning support, and district wide staff development that she designs and leads.  Toni holds a Bachelor of Science in interdisciplinary studies and a Master of Education in educational administration – both from the University of Houston Clear Lake.

Beth Moore, Middle School and Junior High Specialist

Beth Moore formerly taught all levels of high school English at Dawson High School - English I, English II, English II Pre-AP, English III AP, and English IV. As a teacher, she worked implementing STAAR intervention plans on her campus to help struggling students, presented curriculum materials, served as grade-level team leader, and participated in curriculum writing. As a specialist, she supports all 7th and 8th English and reading teachers throughout the district through development and implementation of curriculum, leading staff development, and implementing district initiatives. Moore holds a Bachelor of Arts in English and a Master of Education in curriculum and instruction - both from Texas A&M University.

Mindi Cooper, High School Specialist

Mindi Cooper formerly taught English, journalism, and dual credit English. Currently, she coordinates curriculum development and implements training for district reading and writing initiatives for grades 9-12. Cooper holds master’s degrees in Literature and Curriculum and Instruction.