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Facility Rentals

Are You Interested in Renting a Pearland ISD Facility?

Follow these steps:

  1. Review the Pearland ISD Rental Guidelines and Fee Schedule.
  2. Fill out the Permit Request Form.
  3. Fax or email completed form to Keith Ordeneaux.
  4. After receiving the request form, we will check availability.
  5. If the space you are requesting is available, a permit/invoice will be emailed to you confirming your reservation.

Pearland ISD buildings are used primarily for the district's regular educational programs, and they must be maintained constantly for this essential purpose.

Use of district facilities outside school hours will be granted for non-profit educational, cultural, recreational and civic activities as consistent with the statutes, primary purpose of the schools and school board rules/regulations. Pearland ISD reserves the right to reject any requests not in the best interest of the district.


Contact Us

Keith Ordeneaux
Manager Safe and Secure Schools
281-997-4982 (fax)

District Facilities

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