Toileting Guidelines and Resources
Toileting Guidelines
After thoughtful consideration, Health Services will institute the following Toileting Guidelines. These guidelines take into consideration the needs of all students on campus and the potential for medical emergencies, communicable diseases, and loss of instructional time and explain how to best assist a student in the event of a toileting accident and/or in need of clothing assistance.
Parents/Legal Guardians:
All physically and developmentally able students are expected to handle their own toileting and hygiene (wiping properly, washing hands) on their own or with verbal cues/reminders.
- Please send your student to school in clothes that are easy for them to pull up/down and button/unbutton for unaided or minimally aided restroom use.
- For younger students or those with developmental delays, please inform the classroom staff of words used at home, how often they tend to go, or any nonverbal cues used by your student to indicate their need to use the restroom.
- Due to the new environment, some students may experience some accidents during their first few weeks of school. However, if accidents continue, increase, or your student appears to be struggling with independent toileting, it may be necessary to work together on a plan for toileting success.
- We request that students do not attend class wearing diapers or pull-ups unless there is a documented condition making the use of these products necessary. Please notify staff of this condition so appropriate accommodations can be discussed and implemented. It will be parents’ responsibility to provide all items needed to keep the student clean and dry throughout the school day.
- The clinic restroom is not the preferred restroom for use by visitors, staff members, and well students. Nursing staff must use the clinic to manage the needs of students requiring medication or procedures, experiencing medical emergencies, communicable diseases, and injuries.
- Pre-K and kindergarten students may change clothes in their classroom restroom. Students that require a change of clothing related to spills, food mishaps or dress code violations will wait in the classroom to minimize loss of instructional time unless deemed necessary to move the student to an alternate location for the student’s comfort.
Pre-K through 4th grade:
Please keep a complete set of clothing, including underwear and socks, in a zip lock bag with the student’s name, grade, and teacher on the bag in their backpack. It is recommended that extra shoes be provided, if possible.
For sanitary reasons, used clothing donations are no longer accepted. Some schools may have a limited supply of clothing on hand, but most campuses do not. Due to this change, parents should ensure students have extra clothing in their backpack daily.
- If your student uses their spare clothes due to an accident, spill, or other issues please discuss with your student’s teacher how you would like to be made aware of the change, so the clothing can be restocked as quickly as possible.
- A parent or legal guardian may be asked to come and assist with changing their student, if necessary, for the child’s comfort.
- In some instances, staff may need to support the student in using the restroom. This may involve entering the restroom, assisting with clothing changes, and helping with personal hygiene and care as needed.
- Parents will be contacted to pick up their student for a more thorough cleaning if they cannot be cleaned well enough after one soiling or for two urinary accidents in a day. The student may return to school to finish the rest of the day once completed.
Failure to follow these guidelines or observe any recommendations and requests may result in parent/guardian and campus administrator conference.
Toilet Training: Common Questions and Answers