Classroom Observations
Classroom observations will be scheduled September - February each school year for students/interns seeking observation hours to meet TEA course/program requirements. Placements are with up to 2 teachers and 16 hours maximum per semester. Applicants are processed in date order after completing all steps below.
You must complete steps 1-3 below.
Step 1: Complete an online application for the position of Observers/Field Experience 2024-2025, a state background check will be processed. Upload a "Program Letter" from your university professor/program coordinator into Frontline. A one page program letter must include: date, student's name, Professor's/Coordinator's name, number of hours requested and the purpose for classroom observations.
Step 2: Complete an “Observation Request Form” online. Enter contact information and preferred content area, grade level, and campus.
Step 3: Email Stevie O'Brien once Steps 1 & 2 are complete.
Due to the high volume of request, it may take 7-10 days for processing after all 3 steps are complete.
**Once accepted, you will receive an e-mail from Roxana Rigdon, Recruitment and Retention Specialist, with campus and teacher you have been assigned to observe. Students/Interns are responsible for making email contact directly with the assigned teachers to schedule their specific observation days and times on campus.