Compensation Overview
Do you know what a pay grade midpoint is? Is your annual raise as a percentage of the pay grade midpoint a mystery to you? Are you an hourly employee who has never worked for a school district before?
This webpage is designed to help employees understand:
- Calculation of salary increases.
- Explanation of how to manually calculate their own pay increase.
- Tutorial on how to calculate the amount of their regular paycheck.
Many districts pay their employees year-round even though they physically work only 10 months per year. Districts are able to accomplish this by spreading the 10 months of pay over 12 months.
The up-side to this scenario is that employees receive a paycheck year-round rather than go two months in the summer without pay. Also, benefits can be deducted each month, and employees don't have to pay premiums for health, dental, life and other insurance out of pocket.
The downside to this scenario is that employees find it difficult to understand why they work 80 hours in two weeks, but the pay for that period is for less than 80 hours. Districts pay a little less to employees each payroll because they are saving up some of their paycheck to be paid out to the employee during the summer.
The goal of this site is to help employees understand how to calculate their annual salary and understand how that pay is distributed.