Residencey Verification
The Outreach/Attendance Office is responsible for verifying addresses of students who may live outside district boundaries.
Excessive tardies, early checkouts, and absences may trigger a residency check.
A Pearland ISD staff member will investigate the student's residence if needed. When the investigation is complete, if the student does not reside in the Pearland ISD district, the student (and siblings) will be withdrawn and required to enroll in the district in which they live.
If personal circumstances make it impossible for you to provide the required residency documents during enrollment, please continue to the Back to School - Pearland Independent School District ( Fill out the student residency questionnaire (SRQ)contained in the enrollment paperwork to clarify the personal circumstances which prevent you from providing the required residency documentation. A representative from Pearland ISD will contact you with further instructions.
If a move happens during the school year due to extenuating circumstances, reach out to the campus counselor to discuss and provide a new address.
Parents wishing to transfer their child to Pearland ISD may contact Student Transfers - Pearland Independent School District ( for more information.