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Threat PSA

Anuncio de Servicio Público

Safety & Security

Safety & Security Information

Pearland ISD is committed to the safety and security of all students, staff and visitors. A comprehensive Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) is in place and reviewed annually. Campuses practice various emergency drills such as fire drills, severe weather drills and intruder drills throughout the school year to prepare students and staff for an emergency. All campus employees and administration have received Civilian Response to Active Shooter Events (CRASE) training led by the Pearland Police Department.

In the event of a serious incident or threat, our first priority is to ensure our students and staff are safe; followed by informing/communicating with parents or media. However, we will share information we have available as we are able through Skyward email, parent calls or text messages, district social media and the website.

Pearland ISD has a wonderful working relationship with the Pearland Police Department and employs School Resource Officers (SROs) at all junior high and high school campuses.

Although many security procedures are confidential to ensure the safety of our students and staff, we can share a few proactive measures that are in place.

  • Security vestibules at the entrance of all campuses
  • Electronic door monitoring for all campus exterior doors
  • Interior locks on all classroom doors
  • Additional/upgraded security cameras
  • Perimeter fencing at elementary schools
  • CRASE training for all staff
  • Weekly door audits

One of the most important safety measures we as a District and community can take is being vigilant and reporting any suspicious behaviors or issues of potential concern. We encourage the reporting of suspected dangers to the appropriate authorities. 

Emergency Notifications

Parent Information on how to help in times of emergency 

During emergencies, Pearland ISD has multiple avenues of communications to disseminate information to parents, students and staff.

Safe & Secure Schools Pearland ISD

Contact Us:

John Palombo
Executive Director of Safety & Operations

Keith Ordeneaux
Manager Safe and Secure Schools

Ilance Herzog
Executive Assistant to Safe and Secure Schools
Lockout Icon


 Secure! Get inside. Lock outside doors Lockout is called when there is a threat or hazard outside of the school building. Whether it’s due to violence or criminal activity in the immediate neighborhood, or a dangerous animal in the playground, Lockout uses the security of the physical facility to act as protection. 


Lockdown Icon

Lock Down

 LOCKDOWN! Locks, lights, out of sight. Lockdown is called when there is a threat or hazard inside the school building. From parental custody disputes to intruders to a weapon on campus, Lockdown uses classroom security to protect students and staff from threat.




 EVACUATE! To the announced location. Evacuate is called to move students and staff from one location to another.


Shelter Icon


 SHELTER! Hazard and safety strategy. Shelter is called when the need for personal protection is necessary. Training should also include spontaneous events such as tornado, earthquake or hazmat. 


Hold Icon


 HOLD! In your classroom. Clear the halls. There may be situations that require students to remain in their classrooms. For example, an altercation in the hallway may demand keeping students out of the halls until it is resolved. 


Reunification Icon


 An orderly removal of students and staff to a pre-determined host location (or area in building) due to conditions inside the school building.