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General Information

Child Find

Child Find is the affirmative, ongoing obligation of local education agencies (school districts) to identify, locate and evaluate all children with disabilities residing within their jurisdictions who need special education and related services.

Request for Evaluation

If you have a concern about your school-aged child’s learning or behavior, the first step is to talk to your child’s teacher or the school principal about your concerns. If this step is unsuccessful, you should ask school personnel about making a referral to the campus-based student support team (MTSS), which is a team of teachers and other personnel who meet regularly to address any learning or behavioral concerns that children are having. Should a student be suspected of having a disability under the idea and requiring specially designed instruction, special education referrals can be made from the MTSS team, 504 committee, or a parent request.   

Child Find & Evaluation Overview Guidance Document

The Texas Education Agency (TEA) is providing this guidance to assist local school districts in meeting their obligations under state and federal laws and regulations regarding the responsibility to identify, locate, and evaluate all children suspected of having a disability and who are in need of special education and related services, commonly referred to as the Child Find obligation. To ensure that all children who may need special education and related services are identified, it is important that school districts establish and implement continuing efforts to seek out these children and inform the public of services available to children and families. This guidance is intended to serve as a resource for professionals who serve in a range of roles in schools across the state as they design and implement Child Find policies, procedures and, practices.