Assessments of students who are visually impaired including functional vision evaluation, learning media assessment, and annual expanded core curriculum assessment
Part of the ARD committee for a student with visual impairment; Attend all meetings (staffings, Individual Education Plan (IEP), Amended IEPs, placement IEPs, Review IEPs, Extended School Year-ESY IEPs, Individual Family Service Plan-IFSP) for a student with a visual impairment
Confers with the general education teacher, family, student and other members of the educational team regarding the student’s needs and progress in their IEP;
Makes referrals to low vision evaluations, and other needs and participates in assistive technology evaluations for students with visual impairments; and
Provides in-services/training to teachers and others on the student’s educational team.
Provide consultative support on classroom goals- Develop and provide strategies/guidance to teachers for adapting the curriculum and classroom needs for the student with visual impairment;
Teach specific skills needed by the student who is visually impaired which may include the use of alternate media such as braille, large print or audio; the use of magnifiers or other optical devices; braille and/or auditory access for the computer; and instruction in the nine areas of Expanded Core Curriculum(ECC) which are : Compensatory, Assistive Technology, Orientation & Mobility, Sensory Efficiency, Recreation & Leisure, Self-Determination, Social Interaction, Independent Living, and Career Education
Assists family members with training and resources to support the education of students with visual impairment; Connect families with state agencies such as the Texas Health and Human Services (HHS) Blind Children's Vocational Discovery and Development Program and Texas Workforce Solutions
Provide resources such as Texas School of the Blind & Visually Impaired (TSBVI), Directory of Agencies, and other specific resources based on the needs of the student
Stay abreast of researched-based best practices for students with a visual impairments
Note: This list is not exhaustive but only a few of the roles of a TVI.