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Role of the TVI

  • Assessments of students who are visually impaired including functional vision evaluation, learning media assessment, and annual expanded core curriculum assessment
  • Part of the ARD committee for a student with visual impairment; Attend all meetings (staffings, Individual Education Plan (IEP), Amended IEPs, placement IEPs, Review IEPs, Extended School Year-ESY IEPs, Individual Family Service Plan-IFSP) for a student with a visual impairment
  • Confers with the general education teacher, family, student and other members of the educational team regarding the student’s needs and progress in their IEP;
  • Makes referrals to low vision evaluations, and other needs and participates in assistive technology evaluations for students with visual impairments; and 
  • Provides in-services/training to teachers and others on the student’s educational team.
  • Provide consultative support on classroom goals- Develop and provide strategies/guidance to teachers for adapting the curriculum and classroom needs for the student with visual impairment;
  • Teach specific skills needed by the student who is visually impaired which may include the use of alternate media such as braille, large print or audio; the use of magnifiers or other optical devices; braille and/or auditory access for the computer; and instruction in the nine areas of Expanded Core Curriculum(ECC) which are : Compensatory, Assistive Technology, Orientation & Mobility, Sensory Efficiency, Recreation & Leisure, Self-Determination, Social Interaction, Independent Living, and Career Education
  • Assists family members with training and resources to support the education of students with visual impairment; Connect families with state agencies such as the Texas Health and Human Services (HHS) Blind Children's Vocational Discovery and Development Program and Texas Workforce Solutions
  • Provide resources such as Texas School of the Blind & Visually Impaired (TSBVI), Directory of Agencies, and other specific resources based on the needs of the student
  • Stay abreast of researched-based best practices for students with a visual impairments
Note: This list is not exhaustive but only a few of the roles of a TVI.