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Special Olympics

Eligibility for participation in Special Olympics is limited to individuals who have an intellectual disability or a related developmental disability that causes functional limitations in general learning and in adaptive skills such as recreation, work, independent living, self-direction or self-care.

People with functional limitations based solely on a physical, behavioral, emotional, sensory or specific learning disability are not eligible. Although Pearland ISD students ages 6 and older are eligible to participate in Special Olympics, only children 8 and older are eligible for competition. Students who are no longer eligible for Pearland ISD special education services are no longer eligible to participate in the district's Special Olympics program. 

Head of Delegation:
Shaun Maurer 

Sports Currently Offered:
  • Swimming: July - October
  • Bowling: October - February             
  • Basketball: January - May
  • Track and Field: February - May


Special Olympics Texas