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Pearland ISD to celebrate teacher, employee honorees

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Pearland Independent School District will proudly celebrate its 2023-24 campus teachers, paraprofessional award winners, employees with 20+ years of service, retirees, principals and employees of the year on Friday, April 26, during the Pearland ISD Star Awards. At the event, the district elementary and secondary teacher of the year award winners will also be announced.

Each year the district honors outstanding teachers, administrators and staff who go above and beyond to inspire students and create a supportive educational environment.


2024 Pearland ISD Elementary Teacher of the Year Finalists

Jasmine Johnson - Shadycrest Elementary
Dr. Patti Ross Loya - Carleston Elementary

2024 Pearland ISD Secondary Teacher of the Year Finalists

Holly Moreno - Berry Miller Junior High
Bhavani Venkataramanan - Pearland Junior High West

Glenda Dawson First-Year Teacher of the Year Finalists

Harrison Knight - Pearland Junior High South
Abarna Palani - Sablatura Middle School

Principals of the Year

Kimberly Darden - PACE
Stacie VanLoenen - Silverlake Elementary

Campus Teachers of the Year

Dr. Patti Loya - Carleston Elementary
Melissa O'Neal - Challenger Elementary
Leah Gulledge - Cockrell Elementary
Kristen Williams - Harris Elementary
Pamela Palermo - Lawhon Elementary
Jena L. Gillum - Magnolia Elementary
Amy Villanueva - Massey Ranch Elementary
Sara Johnson - Rustic Oak Elementary
Jasmine Johnson - Shadycrest Elementary
Danetta DeLaPortilla - Silvercrest Elementary
Velencia Sims - Silverlake Elementary
Tierra Smith Hester - Alexander Middle School
Erika A. Iglesias, M.Ed. - Sablatura Middle School
Taralee Wightman - Jamison Middle School
Rakel Hill - Rogers Middle School
Holly Moreno - Berry Miller Junior High
Cybil Felton - Pearland Junior High East
Rosetta Ames - Pearland Junior High South
Bhavani Venkataramanan - Pearland Junior High West
Gay Stricklin - Dawson High School
Shaun Maurer - Pearland High School
Jeffrey Brewer - Turner College & Career High School
Katie Poirrier - PACE Center

Glenda Dawson Campus First-Year Teachers

Isabella Farinacci-GarciaCarleston Elementary
Haley WatsonChallenger Elementary
Stephanie RubioCockrell Elementary
Celeste RecendezLawhon Elementary
Michelle Falcon - Massey Ranch Elementary
Gabriel Lowell RodenAlexander Middle School
Halle GoodmanRogers Middle School
Abarna Palani Sablatura Middle School
Gabriela Maria Broussard - Berry Miller Junior High
Harrison KnightPearland Junior High South
Macall Brandenburger - Pearland Junior High West
Lindsey LundbergDawson High School
Akash ThackerPearland High School
Courtni Mitchell - Turner College and Career High School
Zane Ramirez - PACE

Bilingual/ESL Teachers of the Year

Erika A. Iglesias, M.Ed.Sablatura Middle School
Freya Stoltz - Sablatura Middle School

Paraprofessionals of the Year

Vivian Holland - Carleston Elementary
Linda Gomez - Challenger Elementary
Brittany Wheeler - Cockrell Elementary
Angela Adams - Harris Elementary
Susan Green - Lawhon Elementary
Jaclyn Medal - Magnolia Elementary
Opal Hill - Massey Ranch Elementary
Nadia Torres - Rustic Oak Elementary
Jordan Broussard - Shadycrest Elementary
Dulce Avendano - Silvercrest Elementary
Bridgette Cormier - Silverlake Elementary
Carolyn Worley - Alexander Middle School
Lily Gavi Derrick - Jamison Middle School
Julian Landa - Rogers Middle School
Melissa A. Mesa - Sablatura Middle School
Falak Riaz - Berry Miller Junior High
Karolyne Ochoa - Pearland Junior High East
Stevetta Abron - Pearland Junior High South
Rebecca Cole - Pearland Junior High West
Maria Padua - Dawson High School
Kathi Lee-Jennings - PACE Center
Jordan R. McKendree - Pearland High School
Bianca Serna - Turner College & Career High School

Employees of the Year

Maria Perez Mosqueda - Food Service
Pedro Terrazas - Maintenance
Angelina Castillo - Operations
Bernadette Williams - Transportation
Athul MathewESC